How To Fix Your Facebook Ads And Avoid Wasting Money Targeting the Wrong Audience.

This ONE campaign automatically matches your offer to your perfect audience.

This 90-Minute LIVE Workshop will show you how to use the power of Facebook's algorithm to put your offer in front of your ideal customers.

If you’ve already tried running Facebook campaigns yourself, you’ll know just how complex, overwhelming and expensive they can be.

But that's about to change :)

Simple, but incredibly effective

In this Live 90-Minute Facebook Ads Workshop I’m going to show you exactly how to recreate the "MatchMaker” campaign.

This simple campaign delivers great results, for a tiny investment.  

It's the most important campaign you can run because it show you exactly who your best potential customers are and how to reach them.

It's all about the 3 C's

There are three components, or 3 C’s to The MatchMaker campaign:

Connection: Who are your potential customers and where to find them?
Curiosity: Why will they engage with your message?
Conversion: What will make them take action?

The MatchMaker campaign will give you the answers to these questions and much more.

Here's how it works

The "MatchMaker" is a single, or often a short series of campaigns designed to identify the perfect match between your product or offer - and your market.

This is where Facebook's unique algorithm can really work for you.  

With a single campaign you can test up to 10 different audiences, 5 messages, 5 headlines and 10 images in a single campaign.

That's 2,500 possible combinations... to find the perfect match between your audience and your offer

This is your shortcut to success

This campaign is your shortcut to discovering who your ideal audience are and what makes them take action.

This campaign is so simple, you can implement it yourself EVEN if you’ve never used Facebook Ads before.

And the best news...

This MatchMaker campaign works best with really low budgets (£5 per day) and short campaign timelines, so you can start to see results in just a few days.

This is the easiest way to get the results you need, without getting buried in the technology, or overwhelmed with the analytics.  

At the end of this workshop you’ll have the knowledge and practical skills to get your first Matchmaker Campaign ready to launch in just 24 hours.

It's just 90-minutes

In this 90-Minute Workshop I’ll be walking you through the complete campaign creation process in real time so you can see for yourself just how easy it is.

I’ll also be sharing full details of a live campaign I'm currently running, so you can see exactly how to analyse your results and see what's working and what's not.  

... And what you need to do, to fix it!

We’ll also have a live Q&A session at the end of the workshop so you’ll get all the answers and guidance you need to create your first MatchMaker campaign.

This Workshop is Live

This Workshop will be 100% live and not a recording. However I’ll also be recording the session for you, so you can revisit it whenever you like.

Workshop Date: Thursday 11th March 4.00-5.30pm GMT  

And there's more...

In addition to the Live Workshop and recording, I’ll also be giving you access some Bonus Training Sessions that will help you get even better results from your campaigns.

You'll Also Be Getting These Valuable Bonuses To Help You Get Even Better Results!

Bonus #1. Pixel Perfect Targeting

This simple process will show you how to fully leverage the Facebook Pixel to increase your focus and expand your audience reach.

Bonus #2. Messages That Drive Action

This messaging framework will help you create copy that engage your audience and drive them to take action.

And I'm not finished yet!

There’s also two additional tools I use with all my clients that I’d like to give you.

Tool 1: Where’s The Money? (Your ROAS Calculator).  

This simple tool will help you understand and quantify your Return On Ad Spend. This is an essential starting point so you know how you’re going to make a profit.  

Tool 2: Ten Audience-Targeting Strategies.  

This is my Top 10 ideas for creating your first targeted Audiences in Facebook. This is how you create your initial audiences.

So here's the deal

Here's everything you're getting today:

  • The 90-Minute Live Workshop   
  • The Workshop recording   
  • Pixel Perfect Targeting   
  • Messages That Drive Action   
  • Where’s The Money: ROAS Calculator.   
  • Ten Audience-Targeted Strategies.   

You're getting all this for £27!

Using this MatchMaker campaign will save you a fortune in wasted Ad spend and give you real results in just a few days.

Join me in this Workshop and start your journey to becoming a Facebook Ads Ninja!

Workshop Date: Thursday 11th March 4.00-5.30pm (GMT)


MatchMaker Campaign Workshop

  • Create A Campaign To Attract More Customers.

    • The 90-Minute Live Workshop
    • The Workshop Recording
    • Pixel Perfect Targeting
    • Messages That Drive Action
    • Your ROAS Calculator.
    • 10 Targeting Strategies
Buy Now

Adrian Brown

Business Coach & Mentor

If you are like me you will have meddled with Facebook Campaigns and had some varied results. Just attended Jonathan’s Facebook Advertising workshop and learned more in two hours that I have ever learned before…AND importantly know how to put it into action straight away.

Anna Georgakakos

The Artful Dog Studio

I was blown away by Jonathan’s knowledge, and the insight that he gave into the complicated world of getting Facebook advertising set up properly and working effectively and efficiently.

Antony Baglioni

Entrepreneur and business owner

Jonathan’s Facebook Advertising workshop is inspiring. He cuts through the Facebook maze simplifying what can become exhausting and confusing. Probably the most effective Facebook advertising training out there.

Jonathan Howkins

As a Lead Generation and Facebook advertising specialist, Jonathan Howkins brings together his own skills and 10 years experience as an online marketer, together with coaching direct from Facebook, to create simple strategies and tactics for generating profitable sales from Facebook advertising.